Sorry your week was so bad Paula. I'm sure the funerals had something to do with it. I think we're all in the same boat here (except Nicky...shes' young). We bust our butts and nothing happens. I keep telling myself that I'm just going to keep on busting it. Because when I don't...the weight creeps up. Every year I weigh more. So if I don't incorporate some serious lifestyle changes now - I'll be in big trouble down the road.
Right now my knees are killing me from those 2 days I ran. I can't even squat down without pain. And it's all because of this extra lard I'm carrying around. My little frame wasn't designed to lug around an extra 50 pounds! That's like 5 freaking bowling bowls!
Since Paula can't walk Saturday - let's shoot for Sunday after church. After we know who's in - we can decide on East or West side.
Susie said she went shopping for a bathing suit for Vegas and broke down crying in the dressing room. I need to get a new suit this summer too. I'm dreading it. Absolutely DREADING it!
Okay - no more complaining. Let's all aim to get exercise in this week and concentrate on what goes into our mouths. It's the mindless eating that does the most damage. (and we all know how mindless I am these days...)
Hang in there everyone and decide about Sunday. It's supposed to be warm!