I didn't do the Cto5k yesterday. My foot is still hurting (I'm still limping somewhat) and I'm afraid I'll do more harm than good. Did Mary & Nicky go this morning? You guys are going to motivate me if you do this!
Rachel's on a roll here now too! Passing up sweets! Way to go Rach!
I'm still doing my weights every other day and under the jellyroll I'm starting to see some definition. Last night I carried a big armload of firewood at Mike's and actually felt pretty strong! C'mon muscles - eat up that fat!
I've been bringing a boca burger on whole wheat bread to school everyday for lunch with either an apple or an orange. And carry my water bottle with me wherever I go. I'll admit - I've been lax on the small pate thing. Gotta get back to that with dinners. And I haven't been eating much in the way of breakfast. I'm always in a rush.
Speaking of which - gotta get ready for work!
Let me now about walking this weekend!
Got up late today, didnt run, but I am counting on tomorrows long work out with you guys! Lets plan to go no matter what unless is pouring rain of course. I say the earlier the better...8:30 would be perfect for me?
I am not seeing alot of change on the scale, but my clothes fit better, it seems.
I dont know about your foot Laurie. I actually wasnt sore at all after that walk Sunday which surprised me? You may be developing a spur...its SOOOO important to take new things slow and build. We arent 20 anymore and can injure ourselves so easily!
Has not been a great week for me. Re-starting today. I have been to 2 funerals in 5 days. My mom buried her oldest sister on Saturday and her youngest brother yesterday. It has been one hell of a week. I only got to Jazz twice this week and have been living out of my car. I haven't eaten horrible except yesterday, I had a piece of carrot cake and it was great!!! I didn't care one bit.
Part of my problem is no sleep and I can feel it catching up wih me; I have been run down and depressed--my body isn't feeling great either. I really need some motivation right now...
I can be wherever tomorrow at 8:30 just let me know, if not, I am going to go to Jazz.
Hope to see you all soon--off to another Lacrosse game.....
Okay - let's meet at Mike's house on Ogeden parma at 8:30. We can walk to spencerport along the canal and back to Mike's. It should take about an hour and 45 minutes. I'll send an a-mail to everyone in case you don't read the blog again today.
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