This is NOT the food pyramid for us anymore.
I'm trying my hardest to eat healthy but every now and then I just need a fix for something fattening and totally bad for me! And then when I eat it - it triggers some kind of monster in me that says EAT MORE!
I've been lax on the smaller pate. And that made a difference. And I ate 3 pieces of pizza last night. Even though I was totally satisfied after 2. I wasn't eating s-l-o-w-l-y. Which also makes a difference. And - I found a stash of Ho-Ho's Mike had hidden. So over the course of the week I ate 2 packages,,,which I didn't want him to know about - so I went out and bought more Ho-Ho's to replace the ones I ate - which left me with my own stash. *sigh*
BUT - I HAVE been good on the exercise! Finished my first week on Cto5K (I actually repeated the first week twice since I had the groin & foot issue which slowed me down and made me skip a day the first week. But I did good and actually am enjoying it! And I'm doing the weights faithfully and throwing in some stomach crunches when I watch TV.
All of which is making me more aware of what I eat. And although that doesn't makes sense considering what I just wrote above...I have made some good choices this week too. Salads for lunch. Lot's more fruit. All whole wheat (even found some 100% whole wheat bagels!)
I know the running will be the key here.
As far as walking today - 5 will be a little late. So let's forget this weekend and shoot for Tuesday. Do you want to meet at Turning Point Park? I checked some websites like you said, Mary, and I think it would be awesome too!
Paula - if you're in I could pick you up & we could ride together. Let me know Ladies.
Happy Mother's Day!