I ran again today! Did my couch to 5k and also my weights. I've lost 1/2" on my waist. not much - but it's something.
How is everyone else doing? You're all being awful quiet these days....
Comment & let me kow how you've done on the exercise....the eating....yada yada.
Man, I did comment yesterday, it just went under Sundays blog.
I got really sick last night (I think I had food poisening), anywho, I was up all night vomitting.. YUMMY! It was aweful, but it did help cancel out my bad two days. (however I'd rather have the bad two days than last night, i'm just trying to see the rainbow).
We have 10 days till the Bridal shower. Let's set realistic goals. Sometimes small mountains are easier to climb then one big one.
Smooth Illusions Go figure by Hanes. I got mine!
I have to work Saturday most of the day. I could walk Sunday but dont change things for me.
I need motivation...I am getting fatter!!
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