Okay ....If we're going to do this together....we need to all check in daily with a comment and let each other know how we're doing! It's the accountability factor that's going to make this work!
Yesterday I did great most of the day and then I found Austin's Easter basket. Not a good thing. We didn't get him much candy - but Mike's mom did! (She gave him TWO baskets!!) Luckily is was mostly stuff I can't stand. Anything worth eating is gone now.
Tonight (at 10:00 on TLC) the show "I can make you thin" is on. It' s usually on Sunday nights at 9:00 but the re-run is on Wednesdays. That's' where I learned the eating slow trick. It's a cool show. Very motivating so far. It's on for 6 (?) weeks. This is show #2.
Anyone lost and weight yet?
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Susie wrote this:
Oh my lord, You are too freakin funny! I am in, I just havent had time to go and sign on and all that bullshit. When I get a chance to sit down and figure it out I will. I think I need a google account to be able to leave messages. I tried but it seemed to complicated for the time I had.
Too funny!!
I am in..It is March 26th, 4:03 and I am officially starting now. Today, so far, has not been good but it's all uphill from here. (Atleast the chocolate cake is gone) Lean cuisine for dinner tonight. I went 6 weeks without Diet pop or pop of any kind for lent so, I have a new found love for water.
I want to be a loser--20 lbs would be awesome. Let's do it. I need to get to Jazz atleast 4 times next week....that is my goal for next week!!! (and no chocolate cake for breakfast)
I am just beginning to want to lose twenty pounds before June hits! I will TRY my absolute hardest to get down to that weight as much as I possibly can.
Ok, I forgot to add my loser goal. 20lbs as well I guess since that is everyone elses, all though I wouldn't mind more than that. BUt I guess we need to be reasonable. I am afraid to weigh myself to see where I am right now though. :(
My Goal this week, To do: Run at least 3 - 30minute sessions, and do atleast 2 - video work out tapes. (Eating healthy is great, but with no exercise, you have no chance)
Also the fact that I used to eat disgusting and be skinny because I ran all the time, gives me hope that even though I need to get healthy food wise, running is my best bet for rapid weight loss.
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