Okay ladies...last night we were all talking about losing weight for the wedding this June. A do-able regime would net us each about a 15-20 pound loss if we stick to it. Between now (as in TODAY) and June 6th - we have 75 days - that is a little over 10 weeks. Can we do it? YES WE CAN!
After talking to Nicky - we decided that creating a blog where we can all check in and hold each other accountable would be the way to go. I'll post a daily blurb with ideas, suggestions, stats...and everyone can post their own ideas, comments, stats etc. Simply hit "comment" and go for it! To read comments - hit the "comment" button if it list that any were posted.
Let's all really try to make this happen!
I for one need to lose a heck of a lot more than 20 - but hey - this will be a start!
Are you all in?
I am so in! I went to wegmans today and bought all veggies, wheat muffins, lean cuisines, fruits and lean meat. I also plan on doing some kind of vigorous work-out session 3-4 times a week. I INTEND ON BEING THE BIGGEST LOSER!! ;)
Cool Beans! I'll be posting some links in the sidebar to some good weight loss sites to help us along.
This is great, but Eryn you so not going to be the biggest loser! I have a challenge for this week. NO CHEESE. I think that tends to be many of our downfalls. Their are plenty of other ways to get our calcium and b12. WHOSE WITH ME!?
Whatever Nickster, I'm determined to beat you! I've been eating only 3 small healthy meals a day and the only snacking I do is an apple or peice of lean lunch meat. I've found that chugging a glass of water when you are craving snacks can help cure the craving. I only use cheese on my salad...and it's light shredded cheese. I take a multi-vitamin, B-12 Complex, Vitamin C, and 2 calcium supplements every day :)
I'm going for a power-walk w/my roommate Jack tonight.
Ok 3 things I hate about being 157 pounds...
1) NONE of my pants fit, and I have to pull them over my gut when I sit down as a gurdle so that my gut doesn't hang out.
2) I cant wear any of my snug clothes (all the cute ones!) dresses, little tshirts...
3) I'm embarassed to wear a swim-suit this summer
Ok so all my "hates" have to do with what I can't wear.
I woke up this morning with the red sea between my legs and a midget running around my uterus! I ate a whole chocolate cross thanks to the easter bunny (thanks a lot mom!) but my friend veronica and I plan on walking around the city in a bit, it's nice out :) have a good day "losers!"
Ok so I think I fianlly got signed in. I'll try to keep up with you guys. See ya later, Debbie
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