Tuesday at Turning Point sounds good. Nicky - you may be cutting it close if you have Bible Study at 7 (?) Let us know. Mary - are you in?
Becky & Nate made a scrumptious brunch for us today and of course I ate too much. Mike's mom gave me 5 nice t-shirts for Mother's Day (I know...wierd...she gives us gifts) that will be great for wearing when I exercise.
You're right Paula - Monday. New day for all of us! I need to get a handle on the eating big time. I feel really bloated right now. Monday I also up my running time on Cto5k. I need to figure out how to download the podcasts to my MP3 player.
Okay...I'm going to bed. Let me know about Tuesday guys. Susie...try to make it if you can. The park looks awesome. And Nicky - if you can't make it Tuesday this week - maybe we can go there again!
Night all.
Yah Tuesday is cutting it to close for me. Takes me almost 40 minutes to get to charlotte, and since I get out at 5, and need to be back by 7, not gonna happen. But you guys are obviously welcome to go with out me. I'll go hike Mendon Park, and be with you guys in spirit! haha.
This week my goal is to beef up my exercising. I have the eating well down. I think I need a catalyst to help when I eat bad though, to counteract the fat! So, wish me luck!
I hope you are all doing ok. Let's set mini goals for friday. Even if it's just like 2 lbs or something.
Okay Nicky - a mini goal it is! 2 pounds by Friday! Hey - that's the shower! Are you excited?!
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